1 Blind 1 White Cane


1blind1whitecane #

I need your favor to help me to share and promote a campaign called “1 Blind 1 White Cane” organized by Yayasan Orang Buta Malaysia (Malaysian Foundation for the Blind)

The aim of the campaign is to raise fund via online crowd funding platform to buy 2000 pieces of white canes for the poor blind people in malaysia

Please help me in making this campaign a success.

Kindly share the link to all your contacts for the next three months
https://igniter.my/project/1-blind-1-white-cane/ or http://tinyurl.com/1blind1whitecane

Thank you to those who stay and offer your helping hand.

Terima Kasih
Yayasan Orang Buta Malaysia

1blind1whitecane #




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