How to Build An Aviary

Ever since the Egyptians, birds have been a popular pet. Whether it’s a friendly finch or a talking parrot, you’ll find a variety of pet birds spread across the globe. The iconic budgie is perhaps the best known amongst them and is very small and friendly in nature. But there are many varieties to choose from including the canary, which was originally used to detect harmful gases in the mines but has now been breed into a range of beautiful colors.
No matter which species you choose. A bird fancier will usually start off with just a single bird, which will be kept in a small bird cage. However, it won’t take long before the owner decides to get more birds and find himself a more spacious aviary.

An aviary has many benefits over the small bird cage. Most importantly, it’s much more natural for the bird. Birds are built to fly and placing them inside a small cage where they cannot is not good for a bird’s physical health or emotional happiness. Many bird fanciers will notice a remarkable difference in their birds once they have transferred them into a new aviary.

Aviaries are also more spacious and fun. The extra space allows you to increase the number of birds you own and walk in aviaries allow you to get some real contact with your birds. In fact, many bird enthusiasts will manage to tame their birds so well that they’ll be feeding from the palm of their hands and perching on their shoulders.

However, the problem with aviaries is that they are usually very expensive to buy. It’s not uncommon to spend several hundred or even thousand dollars purchasing an aviary. What’s more, these bought aviaries are usually just assembly kits which you need to construct anyway. Because of this, people who buy an aviary often feel like they are just being overcharged to buy materials at excessive prices

Luckily there is a better option and that’s to build an aviary yourself. Choosing this will massively reduce your costs, saving you hundreds of dollars in the process. All you’ll need is some simple aviary plans or aviary designs and some basic tools.

It’s also easier than you think as an aviary can be built in a weekend if you have the correct instructions. You only need the most basic of tools and materials to get yourself started and you can also customise an aviary to suit your very own needs, something that can’t be done with a store bought option. In fact, I think you’d be surprised at what you might accomplish if you were to decide to build an aviary.

If you’re interested in learning how to build your own aviary then you should check out the “How to Build An Aviary” guide which contains detailed step-by-step instructions how to create you very own aviary, click here to find out more.



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