How to Conquer Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD)

Ever face any of these challenges? Or know someone close to you who does?…

  1. Low Self-Esteem – Maybe you often feel frustrated. Things keep messing up. You don’t think you’ll ever really measure up…Maybe Charlie Brown thoughts like these pop up, “What is wrong with me? Why can’t I ever do anything right?”

  2. Substance Abuse – A little alcohol, a little marijuana now and then should be OK, right? I can handle it. Everything’s under control. But deep down inside, late at night when things get quiet, you wonder if everything REALLY is under control…?

  3. Depression – “Everyone gets a little “down” once in awhile… Just need to decide to be happy, that’s all,” you say to yourself. Monthly. OK, truth be told, weekly. Or probably closer to daily, really. Things just seem so depressing and hopeless sometimes…

  4. Moodiness – Some days are the BEST. But just as quickly, they can become the WORST. Life sure can be one big roller coaster of ups and downs. If only things could be a little more stable, predictable…

  5. Disorganized – Managing things can be so difficult. Remembering where things go, when work ends, when classes begins, how to find anything in all the clutter…Wow, if only some help were available…then maybe that To-Do list would finally get completed. And maybe all the filing systems would be updated… and finally some projects could finally get finished …

  6. Relationship Problems (at work, home, anywhere…) – Patience is not a virtue; waiting in line is for the birds! It’s too tough to pay attention to what other people are saying for very long. Boredom quickly sets in or others get too emotional to deal with for very long. And when impulsive feelings take over, look out! Opinions and thoughts can sure be blurted out…any time, any place. And regarding intimacy…what’s that? Close social and work contacts aren’t even in the picture! Forget about a one-on-one close personal relationship…


Okay, it’s time to face the music. The square peg fits in this cyber-hole right here. You’re in just the right place and help is right here! Available for immediate download, “How to Conquer Attention Deficit Disorder!” is packed with information to help the layperson understand ADD / ADHD. A discussion of ADD / ADHD symptoms, treatments, coping tips, support groups, organizations and much more, for both children and adults, is presented in a reader-friendly way without “physician-speak” to cloud any issues. CLICK HERE FOR MORE INFO



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