How To Stop Biting Nails!

How To Stop Biting Nails!

3 Things That Keep Your Nail Biting Habit From Going Away

Learn the 3 things that keep your nails ugly and stubby and how to avoid another week with this embarrassing habit.

There are a few particular things that keep your nail biting habit strong.

You can be doing everything right (even using all your willpower), but these can DESTROY your chances of success.

Here are three of the BIG things that keep your nails looking like crap.

The first is dealing with the effect instead of the cause.

It’s taken me a long time to see this particular patter, but it’s very common.

People try wearing gloves, snapping themselves with rubber bands and buying all these stop nail biting miracle creams.

But the problem is that urge and tension to bite will allows be there if you don’t deal with the cause.

Take a few minutes to think this over, and maybe write down the way you feel right before, during, and after you bite.

More importantly, think about how you’re going to STOP DOING THIS IMMEDIATELY.

Next is getting caught up and putting it off.

Rationalizing and saying that you’ll stop next week. Right now you’re too stressed.

This is addiction behavior at its worse.

I know it seems nuts to be addicted to nail biting. But I read in a cover of a magazine once about a group called nail biters anonymous.

And even worse is someone who gets mad when someone “calls the out” on their nasty nail biting.

Similar like trying to take a toy from a baby - they throw a fit.

And number 3 is not understanding basic laws of habit conditioning.

This is a BIGGIE.

Ending your nail biting habit is not a LOGICAL thing at all…

It’s about rewiring your nervous system and your automatic emotional responses with basic conditioning techniques.

The power of positive thinking is NOT enough when it comes to ending your nail biting habit.

Nail Biting isn’t a choice…

Nail biting is an emotional and physical response… and you can’t “convince” yourself with logic that you’re going to stop.

Ending nail biting is the result of understanding how your automatic nervous system works… and how to install new behaviors to old triggers that used to cause you to bite.

The problem with changing your automatic emotional responses are NOT OBVIOUS.

They’re counter intuitive.

In other words, they’re the OPPOSITE of what you’d THINK would make sense.

You have to do things like “anchor” positive feelings to not putting your fingers in your mouth.

If you’re starting to realize how important it is to end your nail biting habit, then I recommend you make a commitment and take my course: Nail Biting Annihilation.

This is the most comprehensive, yet easy to use course for ending nail biting habits.

I’ve spent a long time with trial and error figuring out exactly what does and doesn’t work when it comes to ending your nail biting habit.

I figured this stuff out… and then I took what I’ve learned and put it all together to help others as well.

“My Nail Biting Annihilation Course” represents THOUSANDS of hours of research, testing, getting to know nail biters who were successful, and organizing all this knowledged into an easy to understand system that ANY nail biter can use to increase your chances of success.

And I’ll tell you something…

It works.

This course is the most advanced and effective program of it’s kind available anywhere at ANY price. Get more info about it right here:


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