Nail Biting Causes

Nail Biting Causes

The surprising truth about why you bite your nails.

Follow this simple advice to instantly end nail biting.

I’d like to talk to you about a concept that’s quite difficult for most nail biters to “get.”

It’s understanding what causes that feeling and impulse to stick your fingers in your mouth and bite your nails until they bleed.

And what I’m about to share with you took me YEARS to figure out… even though it was right in front of my face the whole time. (no pun intended.)

When I first decided to really quit biting my nails. I did what any nerd who bites their nails would do. I THOUGHT a lot about it, I READ books on changing habits and I Googled my little stubby fingers off.

I spent a lot of time studying psychology and human behavior, because it fascinates me… that I told myself that I didn’t want to bit my nails anymore - yet I would find my fingers in my mouth just moments later.

And since I think I’m pretty smart, I figured that this “little nail biting” habit would be something I’d figure out quickly.

Well, that was a humbling experience.

I soon learned that it’s not easy to solve an emotional and physical problem like nail biting, by thinking logically.

In fact, now that I know better, I think ending your nail biting habit is rather illogical.

As I tried to figure out how to stop biting. I kept running into challenges.

It seemed that every logical thing I did didn’t work.

One of the biggest mistakes I made was trying to FORCE myself to stop, and thinking that I just needed more discipline, willpower, and motivation.

It only made my frustration and anxiety rise the harder I tried, which consequently - caused me to bite my nails more…

I was doing everything I could imagine to keep my fingers out of my mouth, but it was only a matter of time before I wound go on a “nail biting binge” and bite my fingers until they bled.

But since none of the advice I read online or in these books helped, I kept coming to the same conclusion:


It must be a willpower problem, I thought.

Well, fortunately for me, I’m not one to quit easily. (again, no pun intended.)

I finally did something that had a PROFOUND and fast impact on this nasty nail biting habit.

I worked on the root cause of my nail biting problem, instead of on the symptom.

Here’s the biggest revelation I got:

Stop trying to fix an emotional and physical problem with logic, positive thinking and willpower.

You can’t think yourself out of an emotional problem.

Think about that for a moment.

Nail biting is an automatic response to an external trigger.

Its an unconscious and emotional response.

You don’t decide… “Hey i want to bite my nails right now.” It usually happens when you’re not even thinking bout it and then you come up with a reason and rationalize why you did it.

“Oh I was just bored.”

Nail Biting Is Not A Choice!

This is why so many MILLIONS, yes I said MILLIONS of people struggle to stop biting their nails… and why any nail biter can improve their chances of success DRAMATICALLY by doing some new, weird, and “counter-intuitive” techniques I’d like to share with you.

So I’ve set it up so you can get a no-risk trial copy of my program “Nail Biting Annihilation” you’ll learn EXACTLY how to stop the root cause of your nail biting so you get long healthy nails fast… and so you’re not going to have to struggle and sabotage your nails again.

For more info, go here


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