Stop Biting Fingernails…

Stop Biting Fingernails…

How to stop “trying” to stop nail biting, and actually stop biting…

I’ve learned a secret to stop nail biting that I’m going to share with you right now.

It’s a secret that probably not 1 in 1,000 nail biters know or will ever figure out on their own.

The REASON that most will never figure out this particular secret is that it’s TOO OBVIOUS.

Let me explain…

I personally think that most nail biters feel a very powerful desire to TRY HARDER when they fail to stop biting.

It’s very similar to watching a kid try to fit a round peg into a square whole… They just end up tired and frustrated.

The feeling of frustration usually comes along with another feeling: ANGER.

Here are some of the sings that you are trying too hard to stop biting your nails:

  1. You keep trying the same techniques over and over, convincing yourself that you just need a little bit more will power this time.

  2. You get frustrated or even angry when you catch yourself biting.

  3. You try to outsmart nail biting, not realizing that it’s an automatic and conditioned response and just thinking positive, is not going to change anything.

…in other words, when you try too hard to stop nail biting, you usually think the problem is lack of willpower - instead of lack of the right strategy.

What To Do Instead

OK, so you look down at your nails right now and they’re pretty chewed up. Or maybe you’re biting them as you read this…

Here’s what you should do.

Take out a sheet of paper and draw a line in the middle… On the left hand side right down all the benefits you get from biting your nails.

Yes - the benefits… Things like: Relives tension, ends boredom, etc.

Then on the other side of the sheet of paper write down all the pain that biting your nails costs you.

Yes, I’m talking about the bleeding and the discomfort when you wash your hands, but I’m also talking about the emotional discomfort.

The embarrassment, the frustration.

If you REALLY want, make a list of the top 10 things that biting your nails messes up in your life.

Does it make you look more unprofessional? Are other people grossed out by it? Make a big list!

The most IMPORTANT thing you can do to stop biting permanently is to have the right strategy.

Something that works even when you’re not thinking about it.

Something that works on complete autopilot.

Have you ever moved to a new house, and you realize it takes a couple of weeks to get used to the new light switches?

Or maybe - when you stay in a hotel room, during the middle of the night you’re searching for the light switch.

Nail biting is currently automatic for you. It’s like turning on the at your house.

The first thing we have to do is teach you how to forget nail biting. I call it doing a pattern interrupt.

That’s the real way to create permanent change.

And it’s the one way I have found to create permanent change.

What’s the best way to do this?

Stop trying to use will power to stop.

Go download yourself a free trial of my online course “Nail Biting Annihilation”, and use it. It contains DOZENS of new ways for you to stop biting your nails.

In the first video - you’ll get a new way to stop biting, without trying to. Without using will power and without struggle. This one tip corrects a deadly mistake almost EVERY nail biter makes - you’ll see what I mean…

Get more info about my course:


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