Why Do We Blush?

Why Do We Blush?

If you’ve searched for and found this article, then the chances are that you’ve asked yourself this question many, many times. Why do we blush? What purpose does this useless thing have? Why is it ruining my ability to maintain normal social interactions? You may be sick of asking yourself this question. After all, who cares exactly why we blush? All I care about is how to make it stop! The consequences of the problem are more embarrassing and more frustrating than the biological root of the problem, so you may feel like understanding how blushing works is trivial and unimportant, and a detour on your journey to achieving a blush-free lifestyle. Unfortunately, this could not be further from the truth.

Understanding what physically happens to your body when you blush is a crucial step in undermining the blushing thought process. Why? It’s very simple. Humanity is conditioned to be afraid of what we do not understand. It’s helped us survive countless situations in prehistoric times in which there literally was danger around every corner, and it helped our survival to fear what we didn’t know was already safe.

This is the source of many of our modern-day problems. Our bodies are still programmed for pre-society, for living in the wild with predators and surviving off the land. There’s no way for us to tell our bodies which evolutionary features we don’t need anymore, except through the process of evolution, and it could literally take tens of thousands of years for our genes to realize that we don’t use specific functions. No matter how hard we may yell at our bodies, they will still continue executing their natural functions, believing that they are keeping us alive.
If you fear your blushing because you do not understand it, then it’s easy to create a dark closet for blushing in your mind. However, if you understand your blushing, then you will see the bare closet for what it truly is: harmless!

Also, being terrified of blushing can make blushing attacks more intense, and will make you more likely to blush. If you understand that the first step to stemming the blushing tide is to cease being afraid of blushing, and the first step to cease being afraid of blushing is to understand blushing.

Understanding blushing is the first of four steps in Blushing Breakthrough. Blushing Breakthrough aims to help you stop blushing and conquer your social anxiety for Good. Find out more at



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